Military family Santa letters, Tradition for overseas families

Santa Letters for Military Families: Keeping the Tradition Alive Abroad

Military families stationed overseas can still experience the magic of Christmas with the heartwarming tradition of Santa Letters. Despite being far away from home, these letters bring joy and maintain the Christmas spirit for military families, especially those stationed abroad.

Stephanie Davisson, an Alaskan resident, has spearheaded an important initiative to ensure that members of the military, first responders, and their children can still feel the warmth and excitement of Christmas, even when they are separated from their loved ones. Davisson creates free, downloadable Santa letters that are personalized and signed by Santa himself. These letters reassure children that Santa makes special trips for kids like them, even when their parents are deployed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Military families stationed overseas can keep the tradition of Santa Letters alive, bringing Christmas joy to their homes.
  • Stephanie Davisson’s initiative offers free, personalized Santa letters for military families, first responders, and their children.
  • The letters are signed by Santa and are tailored to various situations, including military and first responder families, families in separate households, and military kids who have relocated.
  • Santa Letters help military families cope with the realities of military life while maintaining a sense of connection and magic during the holiday season.
  • By sending Santa letters overseas, families can ensure that their deployed loved ones feel loved and connected during the holidays.

The Significance of Military Family Santa Letters

The tradition of sending Santa letters to military families is a powerful way to provide comfort and bring joy to homes despite the challenges of military life. For families stationed overseas, the holiday season can be particularly difficult, as they are far away from their loved ones and their familiar holiday traditions. However, receiving a personalized Santa letter can help bridge the distance and remind them that they are not alone.

Overseas Christmas letters serve as a reminder that even though they may be physically separated, the spirit of Christmas can still be shared and celebrated. These letters bring a sense of connection and normalcy to military kids abroad, helping them to feel the holiday magic despite their unique circumstances. It is a small yet meaningful gesture that brings joy to children and their parents during a time when being away from home can be especially tough.

“Santa letters for military kids abroad are a way to maintain a sense of tradition and create a special experience for them,” says Stephanie Davisson, the creator of a popular initiative providing free, downloadable Santa letters for military families. Her letters are signed by Santa himself, assuring children that he makes special trips for kids like them, even when their parents are deployed.

Overseas Christmas letters

Davisson’s initiative has been highly requested, with different versions of the letters tailored to various situations. Military and first responder families, families with parents in separate households, and military kids who have relocated can all find Santa letters that speak directly to their experiences. By personalizing these letters, Davisson helps to create a sense of belonging and celebration for military families during the holiday season.

Stephanie Davisson’s Santa Letter Initiative

Stephanie Davisson’s Santa Letter initiative provides a special touch to military families during the holiday season, ensuring that children feel the love and magic of Christmas even when their loved ones are deployed. Davisson, from Alaska, has been creating free, downloadable Santa letters for parents who work on Christmas Day. These letters, signed by Santa himself, reassure children that he makes special trips for kids like them and wants their whole family to have a special Christmas together.

Davisson’s Santa letters have become highly requested among military and first responder families, as well as families with parents in separate households and military kids who have relocated. She has created different versions of the letters tailored to these different situations, ensuring that each child receives a personalized message that suits their circumstances. The initiative aims to bring some Christmas magic to military families, helping them cope with the realities of military life and maintaining a sense of joy and connection during the holiday season.

“We wanted to create something that would help bring families together, even when they are physically apart. These Santa letters are a small gesture, but they can have a big impact on a child’s Christmas experience,” Davisson said.

The tradition of sending Santa letters to military families is not only a way to make children feel special, but also a way for families to feel connected to their loved ones who are deployed. These letters serve as a reminder that the holiday spirit transcends distance and brings everyone together, even when they are far from home. Stephanie Davisson’s Santa Letter initiative has become a heartwarming tradition for military families, spreading love, joy, and the magic of Christmas across the miles.

Version Situation
Military Families Parents deployed overseas
First Responder Families Parents working on Christmas Day
Families with Parents in Separate Households Parents living separately due to work or other circumstances
Military Kids Who Have Relocated Kids who have moved due to military assignments

Santa Letters for Military Families

These Santa letters not only bring joy to the children who receive them but also provide a sense of comfort and support to the entire family. They serve as a reminder that the military community is not alone during the holiday season, and that there are people who care about their well-being and happiness. Stephanie Davisson’s Santa Letter initiative has touched the lives of many military families, ensuring that the tradition of Santa letters remains alive and cherished, even in the midst of deployment.

Spreading Christmas Joy Across the Miles

Despite the distance, families can ensure their Santa letters reach their loved ones overseas and spread the joy of Christmas across the miles. This meaningful tradition not only brings comfort to deployed soldiers but also helps children maintain a sense of connection and normalcy during the holiday season.

Sending Santa letters overseas requires careful planning and attention to detail. Families should consider factors such as mailing addresses and timelines to ensure the letters arrive in time for Christmas. It’s important to verify the correct mailing address with the military base or unit, as these may vary depending on the specific location. Double-checking the address will ensure that the Santa letters reach their intended recipients without any delays.

Another option to consider is sending the Santa letters through reputable organizations or programs that specialize in delivering mail to deployed soldiers. These organizations have established networks and processes in place to handle mail to military bases and units. They can provide guidance and support to families, making the process of sending Santa letters overseas smoother and more efficient.

Spreading Christmas cheer across the miles is a powerful way to show love and support to military families. By sending Santa letters, families can bridge the distance and bring a touch of magic to their loved ones’ lives. Despite being far away from home, the joy and warmth of Christmas can still be shared and enjoyed by all.

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“Sending Santa letters overseas is a heartfelt way to bring happiness and holiday spirit to our brave soldiers and their families. It reminds them that they are loved and appreciated, even when they are far from home. It’s a small gesture with a big impact.”

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Santa letters for military families are a cherished tradition that bring joy and comfort to those stationed overseas, ensuring the Christmas spirit is alive no matter where in the world they are. Despite the challenges of being away from home, these letters serve as a connection to loved ones and a reminder of the magic of the holiday season.

Stephanie Davisson’s initiative of creating free, downloadable Santa letters has been instrumental in keeping this tradition alive. With versions tailored to different situations, such as military and first responder families, families with parents in separate households, and military kids who have relocated, Davisson’s letters have resonated with many families and provided a sense of reassurance.

The impact of these letters goes beyond just bringing a smile to children’s faces. They help families cope with the realities of military life, offering a glimmer of hope and happiness during what can be a challenging time. Through these letters, children are reminded that Santa makes special trips for kids like them, even when their parents are deployed.

Sending Santa letters to military families is not just about the physical act of mailing a letter, but about the emotional connection it represents. It is a way to show support, love, and gratitude to those who serve our country and their families. By participating in this tradition, we can spread Christmas joy across the miles and ensure that the spirit of the season reaches every corner of the globe.


Q: What is the Santa Letters for Military Families initiative?

A: The Santa Letters for Military Families initiative is an important program that aims to ensure that members of the military, first responders, and their children can still experience the joy of Christmas despite being away from home.

Q: Who is Stephanie Davisson and what is her role in this initiative?

A: Stephanie Davisson is a resident of Alaska who has created free, downloadable Santa letters for parents who work on Christmas Day. Her letters, signed by Santa, reassure children that he makes special trips for kids like them and wants their whole family to have a special Christmas together.

Q: Are there different versions of the Santa letters for different situations?

A: Yes, there are different versions of the Santa letters tailored to different situations such as military and first responder families, families with parents in separate households, and military kids who have relocated due to military assignments.

Q: Why are Santa letters important for military families?

A: Santa letters are important for military families as they help them cope with the realities of military life and bring some Christmas magic to their homes. These letters serve as a way to maintain a sense of connection and joy during the holiday season, especially for children with deployed parents.

Q: How can families ensure their Santa letters reach their deployed loved ones?

A: Families can ensure their Santa letters reach their deployed loved ones by following specific guidelines for mailing addresses and timelines. It is important to plan ahead and send the letters in a timely manner to ensure they arrive in time for Christmas.


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